

多因素身份验证(MFA)是一种验证登录到我们系统的人确实是我们认为的人的方法. In these times when malicious and phishing email attacks are a daily occurrence, MFA提供了一种方法来限制这些攻击的影响,并帮助确保只有经过授权的人员才能访问我们的系统.



为了使用多因素认证与您的博彩平台推荐帐户, you will need to ensure the following pre-requisites are met:

  • 你有一台可以接收SMS文本和/或下载Microsoft Authenticator应用程序的设备


First, verify that you meet the pre-requisites above. 然后,您将需要您的移动电话,一台电脑和互联网接入来完成设置.

1. 选择您的多因素验证选项

当您登录O365帐户时,会向您发送额外的验证请求. 以下是可用于第二种验证的方法列表.

技术服务公司推荐使用微软的身份验证应用程序方法,不过它的设置时间要长一些, it is the fast verification option allowing you to just tap approve on your phone.

验证方法 描述
电话 一个电话被放置到您的移动电话,要求您验证它是您登录. Press the # key on your phone to complete the verification process. 
短信 A text message is sent to a your mobile phone with a 6-digit code. Enter this code to complete the verification process.
移动应用程序通知(需要在手机上下载Microsoft Authenticator app) 验证请求发送到您的手机,要求您通过在移动应用程序中选择验证/批准来完成验证. This occurs if app notification is the primary verification method. 如果您在未登录时收到此通知,您可以将其报告为欺诈.
手机应用验证码(需要在手机上下载微软Auntenticator应用) The mobile app on your device generates a verification code. This occurs if you selected a verification code as your primary verification method.
2. Download the Microsoft Authenticator App on your Mobile Phone
  1. 进入App Store
  2. 搜索Microsoft Authenticator
  3. Tap on the Microsoft Authenticator app to download
  4. 点击“Get”开始安装
  5. 安装应用程序后,单击“打开”.
  6. Tap Allow on the “Authenticator would like to send you notifications screen"
  7. 在“帐户”界面,轻按“添加帐户”
  8. 在“您要添加哪种帐户”下面?“选择工作或学校帐户.
  9. A pop up box will appear asking, “Authenticator” Would Like to Access the Camera?”
  10. 点击“确定”(您需要拍摄在下一步设置说明中找到的QR码).
  11. Your camera will turn on and is ready to record the QR code. Set your phone down temporarily and go to your computer. 
  1. 进入“应用程序”,选择“Play Store”
  2. 搜索Microsoft Authenticator
  3. 点击安装
  4. 安装应用程序后,单击“打开”.
  5. 在账户屏幕上,单击ADD ACCOUNT
  6. 在“您要添加哪种帐户”下面?“选择工作或学校帐户.
  7. 这时会出现一个弹出框,询问“允许验证器拍照和录制视频”?”
  8. 点击“允许”(您需要对安装说明的下一步中找到的二维码拍照).
  9. Your camera will turn on and is ready to record the QR code. Set your phone down temporarily and go to your computer. 
3. 使用移动应用程序在Office 365中设置MFA(注意:如果您之前设置了MFA,并且有一部新手机/丢失了手机,请参阅常见问题解答。)

Complete the remainder of the setup process in Office 365 at a computer.  You will also need your mobile phone near you for the following steps.

在Office 365中设置多因素身份验证

Note:  These instructions are for the first time/initial setup of MFA.  If you want to change your verification method from what you are currently using, 请按照页面底部常见问题部分的说明-“如何更改验证方法”?"

  1. Make sure you have already downloaded the Microsoft Authenticator App on your phone.
  2. 进入传送门.办公室.com
  3. Sign into Office 365 on your computer with your Eagle mail account & 密码. Click on the blue box under your name that says “Set it up now”
  4. In the drop down box next to Step 1:  How should we 联系 you? 选择移动应用
  5. 在你想如何使用移动应用程序旁边?  选择“接收验证通知”.
  6. 点击设置.
  7. You will see the Configure mobile app dialog box on your computer.  (You should already have the app installed on your smartphone).  在手机上打开Authenticator应用程序
  8. 扫描浏览器中显示的QR图像.
  9. 一旦您成功扫描了图像, your account will be added automatically to the Authenticator app on your phone, 它会显示一个六位数的代码.
  10. On your computer, Choose Contact Me in your browser on the Office 365 page.
  11. Next you will verify that Office 365 can reach your mobile phone.
  12. You should receive a push notification on your mobile phone. 轻按审批/验证(Android/iPhone)
  13. On your computer you will next see the follow screen.  O365为你设置了一个初始应用程序密码,供你与其他应用程序一起使用,这样其他应用程序就可以连接到你的Office 365帐户.  If you're using other apps like the default email on an android mobile hone, 你需要创建一个应用程序密码,这样其他应用程序才能连接到你的Office 365账户.
  14. 打开你的手机,打开你的默认邮件账户(注意:iPhone用户-如果你的手机上使用的是iOS 11,你不需要使用默认邮件应用程序的应用程序密码).   您需要将密码更改为Office 365提供的应用程序密码(如上面的截图所示)。.
  15. Your mobile phone should now be able to access Office 365. 打开电脑,在浏览器中单击“完成”.

 如何 setup the MFA authentication app without having a second device.

现在,您可以在Office 365和您的手机默认电子邮件应用程序上使用多因素身份验证.





  1. You log into your account with your Eagle mail username & 密码.
  2. You will then get the notification via the method you chose during set up (a text, 电话, or mobile app verification) to verify it is you logging into your account. 

MFA adds an additional layer to the login process.

MFA比密码更安全, because it relies on two forms of authentication: something you know, 还有你随身携带的东西. 你知道的东西就是你的密码. 你随身携带的东西是你通常随身携带的电话或设备. When your account is protected with two-step verification, 这意味着恶意黑客无法以你的身份登录,因为他们无法访问你的手机, 太.

这里有一个例子:假设一个不道德的人在南极洲窃取了你的鹰邮件用户名和密码.  当那个人试图登录你的帐户时,他们将被提示用MFA验证他们的身份(或者用文本), 电话, 或通过手机应用程序).  Since you have your mobile phone in your possession, 当通知发送时,他们将无法提供此验证,并且不太可能能够访问您的帐户.

You will be alerted that someone tried to access your account.  既然你知道那不是你, you can then make sure to change your 密码 and thwart the cyber criminal.

What do I do if I don't receive the MFA notification?

On the log in screen there is a link to "sign in a another way".

Depending on how you have set up MFA you can choose one the following:

  • 文本
  • 给你的手机打个电话
  • 打电话到备用电话(仅当您在MFA中添加了另一个号码时可用)
  • Approve a request (only for Microsoft Authenticator App users)
  • Verification code from mobile app (only for Microsoft Authenticator App users)


How do I use a different verification option (one time)?


To try signing in with a different method, follow these steps:

  1. 在电脑上,转到 http://outlook.com/owa/voipgamy.com
  2. Sign into Office 365 with your username@centralmethodist.Edu和您的相关密码.
  3. 当两步验证页面打开时,选择“使用不同的验证选项”. 
  4. 选择您想要使用的验证选项.
  5. 继续进行两步验证.

If you want to change how you receive your verification through Office 365, 您可以从以下几个选项中选择:

  • 呼叫您的认证电话
  • 向您的身份验证手机发送一个代码
  • 通过Microsoft Authenticator应用程序上的推送通知通知您-(如果您想使用Microsoft Authenticator应用程序,请先下载该应用程序, 然后按照下面的说明操作.)
  • 从App中输入代码


  1. 您可以点击此链接打开 附加安全验证页面你可以去 额外的安全验证 按照以下步骤进行页面设置:

    1. 登录到 鹰邮门户.
    2.  安全信息 select 更新信息.


  1. 在电脑上,转到: http://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/proofup.aspx?proofup=1\
  2. You will be prompted to verify with MFA - select "Having trouble? Sign in another way" and select the text option to verify.
  3. 在“你的首选选项是什么”下面?" click on the drop down arrow and make sure Notify me through app is selected.
  4. Make sure the box next to Authenticator App is checked, then click on Configure.
  5. Install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your new mobile phone.  
  6. In the app, add an account and choose "Work or school account"
  7. 扫描电脑上的二维码,然后点击下一步.
  8. The 6 digit verification code should then appear on your phone.  You will then be prompted to verify using the app. Once you have successfully verified you can close out of O365.
How do I change my phone number or add a second number?

It is important to set up a second/ backup phone number. 因为你的主要电话号码和你的移动应用可能在同一部手机上, 备用电话号码是唯一的方法,你将能够回到你的帐户,如果你的手机丢失或被盗,而不必联系技术服务帮助台.

Note:  If you don't have access to your primary phone number, 需要我帮你进入你的账户, 联系 helpdesk@voipgamy.com


  1. 你也可以去 额外的安全验证 按照以下步骤进行页面设置:

    1. 登录到 鹰邮门户.
    2.  安全信息 select 更新信息.
What if I lost my phone or get a new phone number?

There are two ways to get back in to your account.

  • 如果您之前设置了备用身份验证电话号码,请使用备用身份验证电话号码登录.
  • 如果您没有设置备用身份验证电话号码,则需要联系技术服务台寻求帮助.

在任何移动设备上下载微软认证应用程序,iPad就是一个例子.  Please 联系 the helpdesk to discuss your options.

Please 联系 the help desk to discuss your options if you do not have a phone.
